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What a good Geographer looks like

Our geographers will develop an abundance of skills to help them better understand the world they live in and its environments. They will develop map skills, compare locations, investigate regions, and carry out research. They will learn to ask thoughtful questions, and solve problems, whilst making geographical links with a variety of different subjects. A good Pinfold geographer will develop spatial awareness, using outdoor exploration, and regular application of geographical enquiry.  They will also learn to understand and anticipate future geographical and environmental challenges.

We are keen for our geographers to move beyond their immediate world and deepen their environmental knowledge.  A good geographer will be able to demonstrate an awareness of their physical and human world, and an understanding of environmental management and sustainability. They will understand the importance of their place within the world and the impact they may have through their actions.


  • EYFS
    A good geographer in EYFS can make sense of their physical world and their immediate locality. They demonstrate this by exploring and observing familiar features based on everyday experiences. 
  • Key Stage 1
    A good geographer in Key Stage 1 will have begun to develop their geographical vocabulary by learning about where they live, as well as another area of the United Kingdom and an area in a contrasting non-European country. They will be able to describe weather patterns in the United Kingdom and hot and cold areas of the world. They will use ICT, world maps, atlases and globes, simple compass directions, aerial photographs and plans, as well as fieldwork and observational skills.
  • Key Stage 2
    A good geographer in Key Stage 2 will be able to use more detailed maps and discuss human and physical characteristics of regions. They will understand climate zones, mountains, volcanoes, the water cycle, rivers, types of settlement and natural resources. They will use ICT, different types of maps, atlases, more complex compass directions, aerial photographs, as well as fieldwork and observational skills.



