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Sentence Types

We have found out that there are 4 types of sentences:

  • Statement Sentences,
  • Question Sentences,
  • Exclamation Sentences,
  • Command Sentences.


What type of sentences can you find in the books you are reading? Which sentence types is the most common (used most often)?


Can you write your own sentences for each type?

We found Exclamations sentences the less easiest to think of or write. Sometimes it is easy to mix up Question and Exclamation sentences. 


Here is a document explaining the difference between Question and Exclamations sentences.

Here is a quiz about sentence types.

How did you do?

Can you make up sentences of each type for your quiz?




We have begun to learn how to use different conjunctions to extend sentences and to make our writing more interesting for the reader.

The AND, BUT, OR, SO Conjunction Song

Anchor Creative Education - ROCK 'N' ROLL GRAMMAR & PHONICS!Anchor Creative Education specialise in leading creative literacy sessions in primary schools acr...

Conjunctions Song (Junc-Func by Melissa) | Award Winning Educational Song Video

I wrote this song about conjunctions song as a memorable tool to help my students learn and understand conjunctions for life. This song identifies the purpos...

Sing with Grammarsaurus - Co-ordinating Conjunctions (FANBOYS)

GRAMMARSAURUS TEACHES *ALL* SUBJECTS!!! Get your grammar groove on with Grammarsaurus teaching videos. Grammarsaurus brings a new edge to learning grammar wi...




In our Literacy lessons we have been looking at adjectives and nouns and how to use them to make our sentences interesting for the reader.


Expanded Noun Phrases - An expanded noun phrase adds more detail to the nouns by adding one or more adjectives. 

We wrote Expanded Noun Phrases (ENP) to describe what people could see, hear, smell and touch or feel during the Great Fire of London.


Here are some fun activities and songs to help you get better at using nouns and adjectives in your writing.


Can you find any adjectives and nouns in the books you are reading?


Best Noun Song Ever!!

From the School Rocks! album available on iTunes:!-vol.-1-ep/id427376027

Do You Wanna Learn About Adjectives? (Educational Song For Kids)

Learn about adjectives with this song set to music from Frozen. All rights belong to Walt Disney Company

Nessy Reading Strategy | Adjectives, Nouns, Verbs (Amazing Newts Vibrate) |

This Nessy reading strategy will help you understand a noun, adjective and verb. ► Subscribe: ► Visit our website: ► 'Lik...




We learned about prepositions and used them when writing to describe the story setting for the Rainbow Fish.  We used prepositions to start our sentences so they are  more interesting for the reader.  


preposition is a word that tells you where something is.

Examples of prepositions include words like after, before, on, under, inside and outside.


Can you find any prepositions in the books you are reading?

The Prepositions Song | English Songs | Scratch Garden

The Prepositions Song teaches you where things are in English! Our 2ND CHANNEL is on Patreon! ►► ◄◄ This video is great...




When doing our writing we know that we  start sentences with Capital Letters (CL) and use a full stop at the end of each sentence. 

Here are some fun activities and songs to help you become perfect at this.  

The Sentence Song - 'Capital Letter' + 'Full Stop' Version | Scratch Garden

An alternate version to our popular Sentence Song video ( ) that uses the British English lyrics 'capital letter', 'small letter...

The Capital Letters and Full Stops Song (A MUST for any KS1 class!)

Anchor Creative Education lead SPaG drama and music workshops in primary schools across the entire UK. For more information about Anchor Creative Education v...




We are working hard to use our best handwriting, when writing, too - with 'tall' and 'tail' letters and the correct size.


Here is a game that will help you practice your handwriting in a fun way.




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