At Pinfold Primary school, we pride ourselves on teaching children the 5R's of learning. These are:
This section has a range of activities to help support you and your family in developing these skills together during your home learning time. Responsibility is discussed as part of the 'Being me in the World' section and so to take part in these activities:
Here's a dictionary definition of the word resilient.
Resilience (noun):
Watch this short clip and look at the quote see what it shows about resilience.
So how do you become resilient? Here's some helpful tips:
1) Be optimistic.
2) Set yourself some goals - be realistic but also challenge yourself.
3) Work hard
4) Eat healthy meals
5) Have a regular sleep routine
6) Surround yourself with a positive support network or friends and family.
The premier league football club has a range of sessions and activities that aim to build resilience. Here's the link:
Many class teachers have asked children to keep a diary. This is a good way of being reflective. Encourage children to think about what they have learnt today. This maybe something big or small, it maybe something that surprises you and it maybe something that has happened accidentally. All of this is okay.
You could create a time capsule to support reflection during this period of change. For younger children, this might be a box or a jar that they put things in to remind them of this time. This could include things they have made or work completed, photographs or objects. Older children might enjoy completing this booklet.
Show your child these things:
Ask what do you think you should do with them. Chances are they will say throw them away.
Try and encourage them to be more creative with there waste things.
Could you use them in a different way?
Could you use them for something else?
See how many ideas you can come up with as a family.
If you can't find these items in your home you could use any five that you can think of.
Scavenger Hunts
Part of being resourceful, is knowing what you need and going to get it in order to help you learn. Why not try some of these scavenger hunts and then get children to come up with their own. For example, make a scavenger hunt that will help me with maths activities.
Reduce, reuse, recycle
This is also being resourceful - not just relying on new things but using what you already have to make something new.
This link has lots of information that will help you understand the difference.
Here are some activities you could try - just for fun:
Or check out some of these links:
Reasoning involves thinking outside the box and considering things that you might not have considered before. As well as using all your skills to solve a problem.
Consider the following questions:
Puzzles and Games
Puzzles and games are a great way to develop reasoning skills -
Board games developing reasoning skills: cluedo, monopoly, chess, backgammon, settlers of catan, guess who, rummikub, mastermind, scattergories, jigsaws, scrabble and probably many more.
Why not try some of these traditional games?
Tangrams is an old Chinese puzzle. The aim is to make as many shapes as you possibly can.
In the 19th century, over 6500 possible pictures had been found.
Should keep everybody busy during this time of isolation!
Kim's Game
Named after the central character in Rudyard Kipling's book Kim, this game is often played by scouts, guides as well as people who are training in the military. This game aims to improve recall and observation skills. Provide children with a series of random objects. Place a tea towel over the top. Give children a minute to look at the objects and then see how many they can recall.
Originally, a Japanese tradition the art of paper folding is another way to develop reasoning skills. There are lots of videos and websites that are good for developing this skill.