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Year 1

Spring Term

This term we will be reading  a range of books including  ' Traction Man is Here' by Mini Grey. We will be using this texts as a stimulus for story writing, non-chronological reports and descriptive writing. We will also be reading lots of stories by the author Julia Donaldson.

In Maths we will be working hard on place value within 20 as well as addition and subtraction within 20.


Our topics are Toys, including toys from the past and The Three Little Pigs, focusing on materials. We will also be continuing our work on seasonal change, learning about the changes which happen in winter and spring.


Dates for your diary:

We will have a visit from The History Van on Tuesday 21st January. This visit is a great opportunity for the children to play and handle a range of old toys and learn about how children played in the past.

Year 1 trip to The Blue Planet Aquarium is on Wednesday 30th April 2025.


For your information:

  • Year 1 have PE on Thursday morning.
  • Library day is Tuesday. Please make sure you have your library books in school to change each Tuesday.


Reading Books:

  • In Gruffalo Class, reading books are changed on a Wednesday but please could the children bring their book bags to school each day. 
  • Pirates change their reading books on Monday but need their book bags in school every day.


                                                                                                          Thank you.
