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The importance of attendance

Start of the day

At Pinfold school the day begins at 8:50am (doors open at 8:45am).

Pupils arriving after 8:50am will need to report to the main office where their arrival needs to be recorded and signed by an adult.

The daily attendance register closes at 9:20am and arrival after this time will be recorded as an unauthorised absence unless parents provide a valid reason, such as attending a medical appointment.


Absence Reporting

If a child is going to be unavoidably absent we ask that parents contact us by phone (0161 368 3732) or in person, as early as possible on the first day of absence identifying the reason and the expected date of return. On the child’s return to school parents must send in a written note for school records.


If a child is absent and we receive no contact we phone home to establish a reason.


In certain circumstances, we may also:

  • Carry out a home visit

  • Invite parents in to school to discuss the situation

  • Request supporting medical evidence

  • Refer the matter to an appropriate external agency and/or the Local Authority Education Welfare Service

  • Issue a penalty notice and/or legal proceeding Attendance and Punctuality Monitoring

    Achieving excellent attendance is a whole school / community responsibility and it is essential for home and school to work together to address concerns.

    Attendance and punctuality is monitored by our Attendance Officer who will advise parents if any concerns arise.

    In turn, parents are expected to engage with support and guidance offered. This may include mutually agreed, targeted action plans.


Parents will be made aware of their child’s current level of attendance via regular reports in relation to the Attendance Banding system.


  • 97% or above = Green

  • 92% to 96.9% = Amber 

  • 91.9% or below = Red

Leave of Absence and Unauthorised Absence

Any request for leave during term time should be put in writing to The Headteacher Mrs J Hughes and you will be informed of the decision in writing. Permission will only be given in exceptional circumstances.

Leave of absence for family holidays will not be authorised during term time.


If parents do not follow the absence reporting procedures and/or do not provide medical evidence when requested, then absences will be recorded as unauthorised. This applies to arrival after close of register.


Where unauthorised absence is recorded the school may request that a Penalty Notice be issued to each responsible parent, for each child, in line with Local Authority’s protocol.


A penalty Notice fine is £60 if paid within 21 days and £120 if paid after this time but within 28 days. Non- payment of a penalty Notice will trigger a fast-track prosecution under the provisions of Section 444 of the 1996 Education Act.


End of The Day

EYFS and KS1 classes finish at 3:20pm, KS2 classes at 3:20pm. All children should be collected by their parents or other named adult (16 years or older) on their contact form. Any changes should be notified to school before the end of that school day. Children collected late will need to be signed out and regularly late collection could mean we may discuss further concerns with yourself and other relevant professionals. Children collected late can become anxious and it is not staffs responsibility to remain with the child after the school day ends.


For the academic year 2022-23 the Governing Body has set a minimum target of 97% for the whole school attendance.


Achieving Excellent Attendance – Top Tips

  • Let your child know that you think attendance is important

  • Get involved in school events and attend parents evening wherever possible

  • Take an interest in your child’s work – ask about their day and praise them for things they have done well

  • Try to make sure your child arrives on time – being late means missing out on valuable learning opportunities

  • Check homework is done and get bags, P.E kits and uniforms ready the night before

  • Stick to a regular bedtime routine which allows your child to get plenty of sleep

  • If your child says they are poorly ask yourself if a day off is really needed – a headache or stomach ache may soon pass

  • Arrange medical appointment out of term time or after school. If this is not possible aim for end of day and make sure your child is in school for as much time as possible

  • Stay in touch with us and be willing to show evidence for absences such as prescriptions, medication, appointment cards.

  • Do not book family holidays during term time. Not even if it overlaps just a day or two.

  • Make sure contact forms are up to date, numbers change but we only have what you give us and we need to be able to contact you in emergency.


If you are having difficulties talk to us – Your first point of contact for attendance and punctuality is Alison Lees – Attendance Officer
