At Pinfold we aim to provide a wide range of After School Clubs and learning activities. The activities we provide offer a variety of experiences that are not always possible within the constraints of the school day and the National Curriculum.
The activities that we provide are focused mainly on Sport and the Arts and are intended to enrich the curriculum and develop motivation and self-confidence in all the participants.
The after school clubs including team sports such as football, netball, basketball as well as individual sports. Clubs recently have also included lacrosse, dodge ball, hockey, tennis, multiskills for KS1 and dance for KS1 and KS2.
The clubs take place for an hour at the end of the day 3.00-4.00pm. All activities take place on the school premises, unless specialist facilities are required, in which case appropriate transport will be provided.
Parental consent is always sought before allowing children to attend clubs. In the interests of safety we ask that parents ensure that children are collected promptly.
We currently have several school sports teams who often take part in tournaments against other schools in Tameside. Recent teams have played football, tag rugby and lacrosse. Parents are always invited to come along to support our teams – please keep an eye on the school website and our school Facebook and Twitter pages for information regarding upcoming sporting events.