There are plenty of songs with words that you could sing/ drum/ dance/ learn on:
Out of the Ark@home channel on YouTube.
You might even recognise a few of them from school.
Here are some ideas to try if you are feeling musical:
- Sing along to your favourite song....but make it sound better than it sounds when you’re in the minibus!
- Read a book about music or a musician
- Make an instrument out of items in your house
- Play on a music app on your device
- Write a song about your favourite place
- Practise an instrument
- Design a completely new instrument on paper
- Talk to someone in your family about their favourite music
- Research and make a poster about a famous singer...composer...musician....or rock star
- Learn some beatboxing or rapping skills
- Watch some dance on Youtube
- Sing in the shower as loudly as you can!!!
- Find out the Top Ten in the charts on the day you were born...ask your Grandparents
- Watch a musical film
- Bounce a ball in time with the beat to a song
- Try some outside drumming with wooden spoons or sticks
- Create an 8 beat pattern using body percussion (Honda advert) and teach it to a grown up
- Listen to some music from a different country
- Make up a song to help you learn your ‘—‘ x table
- Make up a song about your most recent class topic to help you remember the facts
- Design a poster to advertise a concert at Pinfold