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Orthodox Easter

You may think Easter is over.  You maybe missing your Easter eggs.  Well here's a reason to keep the celebration going!  Mrs Samuel is an Orthodox Christian whose Easter takes place this week.  Many people who are from the Ukraine and Greece are Orthodox Christians and have a different calendar from the catholic and protestant faiths that we have looked at on this page.   Christian Orthodox Church continues to follow the Julian calendar when calculating the date of Pasha (Easter). The rest of Christianity uses the Gregorian calendar. There is a thirteen-day difference between the two calendars, the Julian calendar being thirteen (13) days behind the Gregorian.  


The Orthodox Church continues to follow the rule set a LONG time ago, not even 1000 years after Christ.   That requires that Pasha must take place after the Jewish Passover to follow the Biblical sequence of Christ’s Passion. The Catholic calendar doesn't follow this, which means that on occasion Western Easter takes place either before or during the Jewish Passover.


Here is some information about the traditions from the Ukraine (the country where Mrs Samuels comes from).


This got Mrs Samuels thinking about Easter traditions around the world.  She knew some already but wanted to look at other countries too.  Here's here research:

So for all those of your celebrating your Easter this weekend, we'd like to wish you a Happy Easter!

Easter with St Barnabas Church


On Friday 3rd April, Year 5 were supposed to be presenting their Easter service.  This unfortunately hasn't happened and due to circumstances we didn't really start it.  However, Mrs Matthews did manage to record Years 3, 4, and 5 singing Father.  This is a modern version of the Lord's prayer.  Have a listen!



Rev. Denise, from St Barnabas church in Hattersley, had invited us to visit their Easter Experience this year to see why we celebrate Easter.  Unfortunately, this had to be cancelled but you can share this experience as a family using these clips and activities sent to us by Rev. Denise.   You could do this all at once or you could look at them over several days.  Please make sure you have the volume turned up so you can catch the message from each station.  

1 Introduction and Prayer

2 Palm Sunday

3 Servant King

4 Last Supper Maundy Thursday

One of these documents is a story script and another is a resource to use alongside.

5 Gethsemane

You may need the bible passage attached to help you solve this one!

6 Good Friday

7 Easter Sunday

8 Final prayers and blessing

Special thanks to Rev Denise and St Barnabas for all the hardwork that went into creating this Easter experience for us to share.

Christianity home learning book Years 5 and 6
