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Being me in my world

This unit aims to look at:

How our choices have an impact on others.

Our rights, responsibilities, rewards and consequences.

Roles and responsibilities within our school and community.  

What our role is within our community, school and in home learning.

An opportunity to reflect our opportunities.

How to deal with worries and anxieties.

Dealing with anxieties in the current climate.

Being determined to succeed.







Think about your hands. 

What have they done today? 
What good things?  What negative things? 
What can they do? 
Think and list in terms of positive and negative. 

You could write your ideas on handprints you have made.


We have choices about what our hands do and what our voices say to others. 

The difficult is when you say something you can’t take it back.   Use squirty foam as an example. 

When it is out of the can, you can’t put it back in. 


Try to be positive with yourself and your thoughts.  Negative thoughts need to be shared and converted into positive actions.


Rights and responsibilities

Investigate human rights using these tools.

We've All Got Rights

'We've all got rights' is a fantastic song and animation by children and staff from Crosby High School, a Unicef UK Rights Respecting School in Liverpool. Fi...

What are child rights?

What are child rights?? Brother and sister duo Jack and Ruby explore the Convention on the Rights of the Child, which guides all of UNICEF's work. For free t...


But alongside our rights we have responsibilities too.

List things that you are responsible for – at home, at school. 

What responsibilities could you take on to help at home? 

How can we all behave responsibly in our current situation?



Consider your rewards carefully.

 What are the best rewards you receive?  Why? 

What would your ideal reward be? 

Does it need to be something physical that you achieve (e.g. certificate, medal) or is achieving something enough?


Complete the sentence – “I am proud of you because….”  For each member of the family. 

Introduce the proud of you tickets and fill in throughout your learning week. 

You could share these at the end of the week over a family meal. 

These could be displayed or there could be some reward when I certain number is achieved. 

It might be that you find someway of displaying what it is you are proud of – a proud book, photographs of behaviour you feel proud of.  

Consequences - Use some of the choices resources to help you look through consequences.  If you have already completed this unit already you might like to review it here.


Use the 4 jigsaw piece sheet to consider what your rights, responsibilities, rewards and consequences are for home learning, in school, in the community.


Our role in our school, community and during home learning.

If we think of our community as a wall and each brick represents a part of that community.  Without each other we will not have the protection and security that a wall provides.  We all have a role to play.


  • Write on brick shapes (be as creative as you like this could be cut out shapes or stuck on lego bricks). All the opportunities that you have to help you learn – thinking of both in school and home learning.  What things do you have that help you learn? 
  • Create a mural and consider do you take advantage of all the opportunities available to you?  If not, could you change this by making a positive choice? 
  • Some people have been colouring their outdoor walls using chalk as a symbol of thanks to the NHS.  You could use this to think about the opportunities we have in this country and how we can support, help and take advantage of these opportunities in a responsible way.


  • Play Job charades
  • Use the school community sheets to think about what different people do in the school community.  Children to list the three most important jobs that person does in the job description.  You could do this for the community too – whose jobs are most important in the community?  Why do they think like that?



  • Huge bag of worries by Virginia Ironside.  See if you can borrow this online through Borrowbox or the audible version through audible.

It is natural to feel worried about things but it is important to share a worry rather than deal with it on your own or carry them round. 


  • Worry monster - use a worry monster to share worries at home.  Write the worry in the monster so that it can eat it and take it away.  Alternatively, you could get rid of the monsters by throwing them away.  Why not design your own worry monster.


  • Balloon – it starts as a little worry but then as the day goes on it starts to grow until your carrying round something that’s quite hard to manage.  Sharing the worry is like popping a balloon.

Dealing with Anxieties in the current Climate

To keep up to date with news in the current climate you could use newsround which is a child friendly news programme.

Being Determined

This is Olympic diver Tom Daley who won an Olympic bronze medal at the London 2012 games aged 18.

Watch these clips of him talking about his diving.


Tom Daley - London Olympics 2012

Tom Daley - London Olympics 2012 Synchronised Diving Individual Diving 4th Place Paired Diving Tom wants to compete in 5 Olympic Games. He wants to master ne...

At the same time as this, he completed his A Levels. 

When do you think he started to dream about winning an Olympic medal? 

This newspaper article should give you an idea.


Do they think it makes a difference to have goals to work towards?

Do you think it made a difference to Tom?


Some further information you should know about the year before he went to the olympics:

Tom’s dad died from a brain tumour. Tom’s dad had been his greatest supporter and shared his son’s vision for the Olympic medal.  In the lead up to the Olympics, do you think his dad’s death made a difference to Tom?

Do you think he had any fears/worries as he trained for the Olympics?


What goals are you setting yourself?

What goals are you setting yourself during this home learning time?

What goals have you set yourself long term?

