We have a 'Stay and Play' session in the hall for parents and carers with children in Reception. These sessions give you a chance to see what your child is learning and to get involved, as well as to meet other parents and chat informally to the teaching staff. Sometimes our school nurse attends the sessions, giving you an opportunity to discuss any concerns you may have or get advice in an informal way.
Stay and Play dates 2024-2025
5th November 2024 - theme - Bears and Bonfire Night
4th February 2025 - theme - Chinese New Year
Read some of the comments made by parents about our 'Stay and Play' sessions:
"Stay and Play is a great idea, I really enjoy coming and watching how the children learn. It gives me ideas and techniques to use at home. It would be nice for stay and play to continue in Year 1."
"I think Stay and Play is a fantastic idea. Really enjoyed it. My son loved me coming along to play and enjoyed showing me all the great toys and activities."
"I enjoy Stay and Play. I think it's good for both of us. I get to know what to do with her at home."
"I find the Stay and Play very beneficial and would like it to go on further throughout school."
"I think Stay and Play is a fantastic idea, both for the parents and the children. I have enjoyed coming to see what my child has been doing and how he is developing."
"As a parent, I really enjoy attending Stay and Play at school because it is lovely to see what my children are learning about in school. It's nice to see how they work and play with others in their class and also to see the relationships they have built up with both peers and teachers. My child/children also get really excited about me coming and enjoy showing me what they do on a day to day basis during school. After school we then have a lovely chat about what we did during the session."
"We love coming to Stay and Play, it's nice to see what L is doing in school. Hopefully will carry on in Year 1."
"It's lovely to spend tie with G at school. He loves to show me all the interesting things he does. He looks forward to me coming in to school."
"I think Stay and Play is very good. It shows the parent what the children are doing also he looks forward to showing me what he can do. It's great."
"I love Stay and Play! The only time I can see how she does things for herself. It's amazing to be able to spend this time with her and watch her grow!"
"Lovely to see the children happy and obviously enjoying their time at school."