World Humanist Day is celebrated every year on 21st June.
It aims to promote the positive values of Humanism and to share global concerns of the movement.
This link takes you to some excellent resources which will allow you to explore humanism together.
Year 5 and 6 children were visited by two representatives from Humanist UK. Here is a message explaining the Humanist response to the Covid-19 crisis from Richard:
Thanks for getting in touch. Humanists’ response to the current Coronavirus crisis is being led nationally by Humanists UK and locally by regional humanist groups. Individuals are themselves making personal decisions about doing what they can do, including volunteering.
"Humanists UK has launched “Humanists UK Community Response” and “Humanism at Home” our effort to deploy our compassionate, caring humanist community in support of national efforts on coronavirus. Our focus so far has been on sharing the latest, verified information on the pandemic; signposting our supporters to relevant health, wellbeing, and volunteering information; and of course, supporting the crucial work of our funeral celebrants and pastoral carers in the national emergency”
They recommend members and supporters joining the Covid 19 Mutual Aid Group, sending food donations to Fareshare, donating soap and sanitary products to Beauty Banks or Little Village, volunteering with the telephone befriending scheme at Age UK, signing up to the British Red Cross Community reserve volunteers scheme, or other support organisation. Personally, I have joined the NHS volunteers scheme to support people isolated and perhaps lonely in their own homes.
Here are some resources links to more information:
Understanding Humanism:
and Assemblies for All:
Teachers and parents can access all these free resources. They are divided up according to the Key Stages and provide lesson plans, articles, links, films, and activities for different ages. There are also ideas and resources for assemblies -though less relevant at the present time there may be ideas here for teachers taking children of essential workers in mixed age groups.
I hope this helps, and wish you well through the difficult days ahead.
Very best wishes,
Here are some links to other sources of information: