We believe that reading is a skill which is taught through planned, systematic phonics lessons which lead to the enjoyment of a range of books and the ability to access information independently. Through their own reading, we hope that children will develop their individual tastes in literature, develop an interest in reading and be able to understand and justify their own choice of books.
Our primary aims are:
Develop phonetic skills which lead to blending and reading fluently.
Promote confidence and positive attitudes to reading.
Promote and encourage good home/school links using a wide range of literature.
Develop children’s reading for pleasure through the sharing of a class novel.
Equip children with critical tools so they are able to analyse what they read.
Monitor each child’s progress through the use of a range of assessment strategies including informal assessments and formal testing as appropriate.
At Pinfold Primary School we follow the RWInc scheme to teach Reading and Phonics, supplemented with additional reading materials. Our approach is systematic, consistent and rigorous in order that all children become readers as quickly as possible.
Phonic sessions take place daily, as a RWInc session and part of the English curriculum until no longer needed by all children. Reading is taught in a variety of ways giving children the opportunity to apply and develop skills whilst becoming fluent readers. For example, individual reading, small group guided reading, whole class. Rigorous assessment enables a carefully targeted approach to reading.
Staff are trained to deliver the phonics programme.
Reading Scheme
Children are given two books to take home in EYFS/KS1. A decodable book and a banded book. The decodable book facilitates enhanced learning of phonic development. A banded book is provided for a story book to promote parental engagement, common exception words and learning about additional concepts about print-directionality, one to one correspondence, picture cues, meaning and language structure.