Welcome to our Year 3 family.
We are all set for a busy year with lots of learning and fun!
Please find below lots of information about what life is like in
Year 3 on our class page.
Mrs Samuel and Mrs Egerton in Egypt class
Mrs Matthews and Mrs Edge in Lowry class.
All the children will be provided with a named water bottle from school.
They can also bring a healthy snack or money to buy something from the snack shop
(10p Monday - Thursday; 20p - Friday).
Please bring your book bag to school each day with your reading books and record. Don't forget to ask your parent to sign your reading record each time you read. Reading the books more than once increases children's reading fluency and encouraging children to discuss what they have read supports their understanding.
We will be doing PE activities on Monday afternoon this term for both classes. The children need to have their full and correct PE kits in school on Mondays, all labelled (please help us with this, as it does support children to be responsible and independent). We recommend that the kits are kept in school until the end of the half term, so that the children do not miss PE with our new sports coach.
Similarly, please ensure your child has their correct PE kit if they are attending any after school clubs.
Children will take their brass instruments home on Monday at home time to practise at home what they have learnt during the music lessons.
The main focus of homework this year is reading and TTrocks. Please ensure your child is doing these at least ten minutes everyday. A homework book has been provided to use as a jotter or any extra work they wish to do and bring in.