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Nursery photos - Autumn Term

Our Nursery children have settled in well and are busy exploring and learning in the different areas in the setting.

Sorting - in Maths the children had to decide how to sort the bears. Some chose colour and some chose size.

In Phonics we have been exploring the sounds that instruments make. It was lots of fun!

Look at our fabulous mark making to retell the story of Goldilocks and the 3 Bears.

We have been working on our cutting skills as we begin to make Autumn hedgehogs.

Patterns - we have been learning about repeating patterns in Maths. To link with our Autumn theme we use leaf shaped sponges and Autumn colours to create so fantastic patterns.

Our theme is The Dark so we have lit up the night sky by printing sparkly fireworks!

Messy play - we had great fun making fireworks in the foam with paint and glitter.

Remembrance Day Poppy hats.
