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KS2 - 2017/2018

What does good science look like?  - December 2018

In school we are focussing on science and Miss Roberts (our science coordinator) wanted us to define what good science looks like in school.  Here is what we found out.

How can we make wise time 'Wow'?

Miss Lindop really needed our help to reinvigorate wise time with new and fresh ideas.  Wise time is a great activity earned for all children whose behaviour remains on green.  It allows children to develop their skills and practise using the 5Rs of learning in fun and exciting ways.

Farewell Year 6! - June 2018

It's that time of year again when we think about our Year 6 friends moving on to their new high school.  Here's what we planned.

What do good readers do? - March 2018

We talked about what makes a good reader and came up with some hints and tips so we can all be good readers!

Why do you think it is important that we learn to read?

November 2017


Teachers are always talking about making sure we read regularly.  But why is it so important?  We discussed it in Pupil Forum.  I'm sure you will be impressed by our findings.

What does Progress look like? - September 2017

We had a discussion about what progress looks like at Pinfold Primary School.  Here are the results:

Sports Award - Platinum Application - September 2017

We have used one of our Pupil Forum sessions to get an application together linked to the School Games Awards.  We have been proud to achieve Gold status for the last five years and now are striving to achieve a platinum award.  The children shared their views about how they are involved in sports.  Their views were used to create a video which will be used as part of the application.  Here are the results.

Goodbye Year 6! - June 2017

In Pupil Forum, we wanted to say farewell to our friends in Year 6 in a positive way.  We came up with positive messages which were then put together to make a card for the children.  Here are the results:

How can you keep yourself safe? - April 2017

At Pinfold safety of our children and staff is of the highest priority.  We decided to ask the children what they felt was important in keeping themselves safe.  The results are shown here and includes a leaflet that will be given to parents.  Also, look at our safeguarding section of the website - following the link below for more details.

Follow this link to more information on our website about safeguarding:

What would you like visitors to know about our school? -

March 2017

In our March Pupil Forum, we discussed what we would like visitors to know about our school.  It is clear the children are proud of our school and have lots to say about what we do.  Here are our results.

Each year group has chosen a project around our findings.  Watch this space for more details!

Dinner Time Discussions - February 2017

KS2 held their second pupil forum which focussed on how we could improve dinnertimes at school.  The children answered the questions:  What do you think our pupil charter should be?  What rewards should we have at dinnertime for those children who always follow the charter?  We were delighted to welcome some of our Dinner ladies to pupil forum.  They were very keen to listen to our views. 


Here are the outcomes.

Our First Ever Pupil Forum! - January 2017

Our first pupil forum occurred on the first week back in January. Our first big question was: What do you think our school’s New Year’s Resolution should be? The children had some fantastic ideas.


Here are the outcomes.
