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Useful Information

The table below contains some useful information regarding school uniform, what time school starts, breakfast club and school lunches.

Useful Information


Uniform List

P.E. Kit

  • Red Sweatshirt

  • Red Polo-Shirt

  • Black Trousers / Skirt

  • Plain Black (Flat) Shoes

  • No earrings

  • White T-Shirt

  • Plain Black Shorts

  • Black Pumps / Trainers


Uniform can be ordered online at or purchased from your local supermarket.


Times of the School Day

Reception & KS1


Start Time:

8.50am (doors open at 8.45am)

Start Time:

8.50am doors open at 8.45am)

Finish Time:


Finish Time:




Children to be collected from the classroom door.


Children to be collected from the classroom door / playground. 


Outdoor Provision throughout the day

Lunchtime: 11.30am -12.30pm.

Year 3 and 4  

Breaktime: 10.30am - 10.45am
Lunchtime: 11.45am -12.30pm

Year 1

Breaktime: 10.30am - 10.45am

Lunchtime: 11.50am - 12.40pm

Year 5 and 6

Breaktime: 10.45am - 11.00am

Lunchtime: 12.15pm -1.00pm

Year 2

Breaktime: 10.30am - 10.45am

Lunchtime: 12.10pm - 1.00pm



Total time in school

6 hours 30 minutes daily

 32 hours 30 minutes weekly

Total time in school

6 hours 30 minutes daily

32 hours 30 minutes weekly


Breakfast Club

Our Breakfast Club runs from 7.45am.  Children have a choice of breakfast and are given a drink.  The charge for this is £1.00 per day.  You need to prebook for breakfast club via the SchoolMoney online system. Children need to arrive at Breakfast Club before 8:15am as this is when the kitchen closes.


School Lunches

School Lunches cost £2.81 per day (subject to change).  Payments are made via our SchoolMoney online system. All Reception and KS1 children are entitled to a school meal without payment being requested.  We would ask that if you are in receipt of state benefit and are entitled to claim Free School Meals that you still do so.

