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Intent Statement

Pinfold Primary School is committed to providing a high quality educational experience for all pupils. Our curriculum defines and supports the whole ethos of our school.


At Pinfold, our personal, social, health and economic education (PSHE) curriculum brings together healthy relationships, social responsibility and personal well-being, whilst promoting fundamental British values.


Although PSHE is taught through discreet lessons, it is also integrated into daily life at Pinfold, in all activities, assemblies, educational visits and extra-curricular clubs. There are frequent opportunities provided in school which encompass PSHE education, including (but not limited to) sports tournaments, celebration assemblies, Year 6 attending Crucial Crew, residential and day education visits, workshops from outside agencies, themed days and weeks. 


It is intended that we will offer an aspirational, cohesive whole-school approach which inspires our children to achieve their full potential, whilst empowering them to become healthy, independent and responsible members of society.


At Pinfold we integrate our REALL curriculum elements into all lessons. In PSHE these, alongside the 5 R’s and British Values are the core of what we deliver. 


PSHE is taught across the school continuously during lessons, assemblies, school clubs, school events and break times. Furthermore, PSHE is integrated into our curriculum through SMSC, our values and the principles underpinning our School Mission Statement of ‘working together, sharing success’ which derives from our core principles, aims and objectives. 


Our PSHE curriculum promotes the spiritual, moral, cultural, mental and physical development of our pupils preparing them for life in the wider world. At Pinfold Primary School, our fundamental principles are: 


  • To provide every child with the life skills to become successful learners who reach their full potential.
  • To provide a safe, supportive, stimulating and inclusive environment where every child is recognised, cared for, encouraged and valued.
  • Pinfold will actively ensure the involvement of the whole community, particularly families, who have a vital role to play in supporting their children’s education.  This partnership will encourage healthy and positive attitudes motivating children to become life long learners


Our aims stand upon the principles above and are:


We offer a broad, balanced and meaningful curriculum through which we aim to raise and maintain high standards by enabling all children to:

  • Acquire and apply concepts, knowledge and skills through a variety of learning situations appropriate to their individual development and ability.
  • Achieve excellent progress through enjoyable, successful and challenging learning experiences.
  • Engage actively in learning in order to develop lively enquiring minds and to become determined, independent learners.
  • Develop positive self esteem and empathy.
  • Acquire a set of moral values which enable them to make appropriate choices and decisions guiding them towards becoming responsible citizens.
  • Develop confidence and independence to become increasingly responsible for their own learning and actions.
  • To understand the world in which they live, to respect and value the differences between people, cultures and faiths and their contribution to society today.
  • Enable children to prepare for  their future in an ever changing world.


In order to achieve these aims, our children will acquire many skills enabling them to access our curriculum.
The fundamental skills of literacy, numeracy, Information Communication Technology, personal, social and emotional development, learning and thinking skills will be delivered through the key areas of:

  • Understanding English, communication and languages
  • Mathematical understanding
  • Scientific and technological understanding
  • Human, social and environmental understanding
  • Understanding physical health and well being
  • Understanding the arts and design

We will know we have been successful when our children:

  • Attend regularly
  • Are happily engaged, enjoy learning and achieve success
  • Are actively involved in the wider life of school
  • Are proud of being part of Pinfold School


We follow the Jigsaw scheme of work, in conjunction with the PSHE Association to inform our curriculum planning.  Topics included in the programme of study are the same in each year group are arranged into ‘puzzles’ at appropriate level and are: 

  • Being Me in My World
  • Celebrating Difference
  • Dreams and Goals
  • Healthy Me
  • Relationships
  • Changing Me


The Jigsaw programme meets all the outcomes in the PSHE Association Programmes of Study. The Worry Wizard is a valuable resource which supports the teaching and Learning using Jigsaw.  


For further information, please see the PSHE Policy on the school website.


Sex Education 


In addition to the topics above, Sex Education will be taught in an age appropriate way to our pupils using CWP resource from Reception to Year 6. This teaching will be in addition to the statutory requirements of the National Curriculum for Science, which at Key Stages 1 and 2 includes teaching about the main external parts of the body and changes to the human body as it grows from birth to old age, including puberty. Children in Years 5 and 6 additionally will have direct sessions relating to puberty and reproduction. For further information, please see the Sex & Relationships Education Policy on the school website.


Each class celebrates their PSHE work through a class presentation book. This is a valuable support to reflect back upon and to support transition and changes. These are displayed to share across school and for parents and visitors to access. Activities and events are also shared via our social media platforms promoting ‘life at Pinfold’.

