Star Chaser Rocket Launch
Rocket Fails To Blow Us Away!
When we arrived at the Starchaser Rocket Launch, we were incredibly excited to see the rocket and we had many questions to ask. We spoke to the people who helped the rocket launch come together.
We took a picture with the rocket before we were told to leave the field and go to the viewing area. We made our way up there and shuffled through the crowds to find a place to stand.
Suddenly we came across a table where we made our own rockets. We then launched our rockets into the sky, they went really high! We really enjoyed making it and we named it ‘The Rocket Of Mistakes’.
Then we were told to start counting down before the rocket launched. We couldn't wait! At first, nothing happened. The Starchaser Team set the rocket up and told us we could count down again.
Again, nothing happened. Then all of a sudden, there was a huge explosion, the rocket flew into the sky!
We had been told that the rocket would reach 1000ft and could go 200mph so we had got our hopes up. However, the rocket didn't meet our expectations. It didn't meet the height of 1000ft either. Instead, it stopped at around 20ft and fell to the ground.
Even so, we had a great time and we are very grateful that we were one of the lucky schools chosen to go.
By Molly & Jorge
Thank you to Heather Smith, Parent Governor, for joining us.
Check out the school website for a video of the Rocket launch!